Presentations 12/10

I thought that all of the presentations today were phenomenal, but I am only going to discuss two of them. I enjoyed Lauren’s presentation because it was extremely powerful. I’m sensitive towards special populations, hidden populations and oppressed populations. The objective of her presentation could be applied to multiple groups of people or individuals. It was also fascinating to see the difference in desire to “take a picture with a real Indian” amongst the people in the video. Specifically, the difference between the child looking so disappointed when he had his picture taken with the Native American wearing normal, everyday clothes, and the individuals taking a picture as the man was dressed in traditional Native American wear looked so pleased and thrilled to be next to him. It’s sad to realize how certain individuals view specific populations, but then again, they probably do not know any better.

Although I haven’t watched more than one episode of True Blood, I found Jordan’s presentation great as well. I enjoyed hearing about the development of the female character that was discussed. An individual’s development over time is interesting because it is something everyone can relate to. No one remains the same throughout the course of their life. It was also cool to hear how Alan Ball broke the stigma of age gaps in relationships. Usually a large age gap between two individuals is frowned upon, but he made this appear normal and good in this case. 

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